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環保水性 無機氧化鐵橙色漿顏料 TLW-7200
ng the Property of Pigments

1.耐光性試驗 Teshing of Light Fastness


Blue Scale 1-To-8標準色卡之級數判定耐光程度優劣,8級最佳(不變色),1級最差(嚴重變色)。

Cutting various pieces of color pattern sheets to suitable sizes,then put them into the Fade-

O-Meter for light exposure,and to divide the time of exposure to be in the range of 3-400 ho-

urs. Afterward,take out the test pattern sheets to assess their degrees of color fading and dis-

coloration against a standard Blue Scale which is assigned to value form 1 to 8. Grade 8 is the

excellent(color will not be changed),grade 1 is very poor (color is shanged severly).

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